Hy my Name is Juergen Hoebarth and I am an entrepreneur and exponentialist with 15 years of experience in online-business, specialized in product development and digital marketing strategies which are delivering performance with a viral twist at its best.
I have a passion for traveling, exploring new things and cultures that brought me 8 years ago to Asia Hong Kong. Professionally I am trained as a Multimedia Designer (BA in Multimedia and Design) and ranging as far and as well into areas such as Art Administration (MVA in Art Administration + MPhil).
As I love all things New Media and Art this brought me as well invitations to Ars Electronica the worlds largest New Media Arts Festival.
I have been as well highly interested in bridging the digital world with the physical world which results in one of my companies i cofounded RealLifeConnect which got sold in early 2014.
At the moment i am CEO at Haexagon Concepts limited. We are offering consultancy to other companies and startups by knowing what all the pieces evolving in the area of digital are supposed to do, using and linking them together to get the maximum out for them.
Mainly planing, controlling and overseeing the right strategy when it comes to Growth Hacking and Digital Marketing. Ranging from areas such as mobile customer acquisition and retention strategy development to analysing and optimising the users experience, in short shaping Product Innovation & Strategy for them.